Mnek : Alexander of Blackwood |
Alexander of Blackwood
2012.07.23. 11:23
23*Elite, 11xBest, 4xExcellent, 3xGood, 1st Placed of II. Knock Out Dressage, Winner Horse on PonyIsland, Perfect Dressage Horse, Best Appearance Horse in SPLK, 1st Placed of I. Appearance of Favourites, Winner Horse in Andy Murray Category, Perfect Dressage Horse, Stlusverseny Gyztes Djl, 1st Placed Horse of Blackwood, 1st Placed of II. Appearance of Favourites, Winner Horse in Turquoise Category, Perfect Appearance Horse, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 1st of Coloured Champion, ABSOLUTE, Absolute Winner of Coloured Appearance, Good Dressage Horse, Best Portrait Horse, Champion of BlackStone, Best Horse in Firenze, Good in Paradise Stables, NICE, Nice Horse in Grey in M'sM, Great Horse of Royal Court, Good of Grey Colored Horse, 1st in Spring Appearance, Champion Appearance Horse of Spring, 1st Placed of III. Appearance of Favorites, Winner Horse in I Made It Category, Perfect Appearance Horse, 2nd Placed on One Picture is Enough in Salyza P.S., 1st Placed on Dressage Evening in Salyza P.S., Nouvelle Lune Champion, 1st of Spring Appearance, 2x1st Placed on Learn Learn! Championship in Salyza P.S., NICE, Nice Dressage Horse in Lucky Ranch, 3rd in Lucky Dressage Competition, Best Horse in Cheval Maison, 1st in Gait Krng, 1st Placed on In Spring Time - Appearance in Salyza P.S., 1st placed in Spring Dressage, 3rd in Parknyit Kllem of Silver Spur Ranch, Good Horse in Grey Color, 1st Placed of IV. Appearance of Favourites, Winner Horse in London Category, Perfect Appearance Horse, 1st in II. Synline Appearance, Nice Horse, BETTER, 2nd in Country Appearance of Silver Spur Ranch, Better Horse in Central Asia, 3rd Placed of Simple Dressage Cup of Wonder Equestrian Center, The Best Horse in Salyza P.S., 1st Placed on Salyza Birthday Champion in Salyza P.S., VERY GOOD, Very Good Horse in Salyza P.S., 3rd Placed on Salyza Birthday Champion in Salyza P.S., Beautiful Appearance Horse of Royal3rd Placed of Bye-Bye Spring! Appearance, 1st in SB Appearance, 1st Placed in Flower Appearance, 2nd Placed of I. Grupos tnicos Copa, Excellent Dressage Horse, The Best Horse in Salyza P.S., 1st Placed on II. Big Competition without Practices in Salyza P.S., Excellent Horse in Salyza P.S., 2nd Placed on II. Big Competition without Practices in Salyza P.S., First in Prides of PonyIsland, Champion of PonyIsland, Wonderful Horse, Best Dressage Horse in Royal, 1st Placed in Avance de Haute - Dressage, Excellent, Great Appearance Horse in Royal, 2nd Placed in Avance de Haute - Appearance, 1st Placed in "Pros Djlovagls" from Synline, 1st in V. Snyline Appearance, Nice Horse, More Beautiful Arabian Horse, BETTER, 1st Placed on Earn Some Point! Dressage Trophy in Salyza P.S.,
Hvneve: Alex
Neme: mn
Fajtja: arab telivr
Szletett: 2007.05.13.
Szne: szrke
Bels tulajdonsgok: Alex egy kedves, nyugodt mn. Az emberekkel, kanckkal szemben bartsgos, a mnekkel viszont kiss dominns. Ha munkrl van sz nem htrl, nagyonis lvezi ha megmutathatja kpessgeit. Alex tehetsges djl; a versenyek nyzsgs lgkrben is kpes nyugodt maradni, s csak a dolgra figyelni. Knny lovagls, engedelmes l, m gazdjn kvl senkinek nem hajland akr egy lpst is tenni.
Kls tulajdonsgok: Tipikus arab telivr, gynyr kllemmel. Minden kls jellemz megtallhat rajta, ami ennl a fajtnl elengedhetetlen. Magasan tztt farok, hossz, ers lbak, jl izmolt far, ht s szgy, izmos, velt nyak s a csukafej. Mozgsa kecses, harmonikus, lptei hosszak s lgiesek.
Trzsknyvezett neve: Alexander of Blackwood
Trzsknyvi szm: ARH-05-144
Szrmazs: Blackwood Stable
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Tenyszl: igen / nem
Tenyszvizsga eredmnye: -
Tisztavr: 100%
Alkalmas: djlovagls
Kpzettsg: djlovagls
Versenyzik: aktv / nem aktv
Belovagolva: igen / nem
Ltlevllel: rendelkezik
Rajtengedllyel: rendelkezik
Versenyek szma: 45
1. hely: Common Appearance
1. hely: I. Appearance of Favourites (Andy Murray kategria)
1. hely: Djlovak Stlusversenye
1. hely: II. Appearance of Favourites (trkizkk kategria)
1. hely: Coloured Appearance (szkre kategria) Abszolt gyztes!
1. hely: Portrait Appearance
1. hely: Appearance with Towns (Firenze kategria)
1. hely: Tavaszksznt Kllemverseny (ltusz kategria) Abszolt gyztes!
1. hely: Spring Appearance (mn kategria)
1. hely: III. Appearance of Favourites (I Made It kategria)
1. hely: Sights of the World Appearance (Niagar Vzess kategria)
1. hely: Spring Appearance (mn kategria)
1. hely: Learn! Learn! Championship (mn kategria)
1. hely: Gait Krng (szrke kategria)
1. hely: In Spring Time Appearance (mn kategria)
1. hely: IV. Appearance of Favourites (London kategria)
1. hely: II. Synline Appearance
1. hely: Salyza Birthday Champion (mn kategria)
1. hely: I. San Bolero Kllemverseny (mn kategria)
1. hely: Flower Appearance
1. hely: II. Big Competition Without Practices (mn kategria)
1. hely: Prides of PonyIsland
1. hely: II. Knock Out Dressage
1. hely: Dressage Evening (kezd kategria)
1. hely: Learn! Learn! Championship (kezd kategria)
1. hely: Spring Dressage (halad kategria)
1. hely: Avance de Haute Comptition (djlovagls, kezd kategria)
1. hely: Pros Versenysorozat - djlovagls (kezd kategria)
1. hely: V. Synline Appearance (- kategria)
1. hely: Earn Some Point! Dressage Trophy (kezd kategria)
2. hely: V. Paradise Kllem (djlovagls kategria)
2. hely: I. Royal Appearance (szrke kategria)
2. hely: One Picture is Enough (mn kategria)
2. hely: Country Appearance (Kzp-zsia kategria)
2. hely: Spring is Here... Dressage
2. hely: Grupos tnicos Copa (kataln kategria)
2. hely: II. Big Competition Without Practices (kezd kategria)
2. hely: Avance de Haute Comptition (kllem, mn kategria)
2. hely: Arabian Reputation (mn kategria)
3. hely: Colors Appearance (szrke kategria)
3. hely: Parknyit Kllem (szrke kategria)
3. hely: Bye-Bye Spring! Appearance (mn kategria)
3. hely: Lucky Dressage Competition (vgta kategria)
3. hely: Simple Dressage Cup (kezd kategria)
3. hely: Salyza Birthday Champion (kezd kategria)
Neve: Rin
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